
Marriage: From Surviving to Thriving

Marriage is hard—there’s no doubt about that. So, is it possible for a marriage to move beyond mere survival into a thriving union? Absolutely!

God designed this ancient institution to bless His people, to reflect His character, and to work out His purposes—despite all the difficulties.

In this series on marriage, Pastor Chuck Swindoll reveals the biblical design, dynamic, and destination of healthy marriage, so you can move into a vibrant, deep, Christ-centered relationship with your spouse.


01) This Is Not Your Grandfather's Family
02) Getting Back on Target
03) Symphony of Survival in the Key of C
04) Practical Advice on Making a Marriage Stick
05) Essential Glue for Every Couple to Apply
06) What Families Need to Thrive
07) Danger Signs of Marital Erosion
08) Staying Young as Your Family Grows Older